Albert Einstein, WiKi, Bio, Age, Profile, Images, Books, Awards, and Full Details
Albert Einstein was born on March 14th, 1879 in the Kingdom of Wurttemberg, located in the German Empire. Einstein’s father was a salesman and engineer named Hermann Einstein, in the early 1880s Einstein’s family switched to Munich where his father and his uncle Jacob founded an electronic company called Electrotechnische Fabrik J.Einstein & Cie, it manufactured producing electronic equipment depending on the direct current.

Albert’s parents joined Einstein in a Catholic elementary school where it is located in Munich. After five years of his education means at the age of eight he was shifted to Luitpold Gymnasium later it was called as Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium where he finished both primary and secondary education at an advanced level. At the age of 15 Einstein’s family moved to Milan in Italy first and then later shifted to Pavia. The reason is, due to the loss of a bid to supply the direct current to Munich, because they don’t have enough capital to invest in it.
School & Education Life
Between 1895 and 1896, the family has been lived in Palazzo Cornazzani a place in Pavia. His father wanted him to study electrical engineering but Einstein reveals his frustration with the authorities’ teaching method and began to clash with them. From a young age, Einstein is more passionating about Math and Physics, and that enthusiasm led him to excel at Math and Physics. Einstein let him taught himself both Euclidean and algebra in a single summer including he proved the Pythagorean theorem by his original at the age of 12.
At the age of 13, he was more attracted to Philosophy and he took Kant as his favorite philosopher, Kant was the most influential German philosopher. At only thirteen years of age, even common people do not understand Kant’s literature but Einstein can easily understand his poetry.
His father took him to the entrance examinations for the Federal Polytechnic School in Swiss, but Einstein hasn’t qualified for that examinations but gained extraordinary scores in Maths and Physics. All has happened at the age of 16, on behalf of the polytechnic school principal advice Einstein joined the Argovian Cantonal School to accomplish his secondary education was located in Aarau in Switzerland in 1895 and 96.
Fell In Love
During his secondary school education, Einstein was accommodated by Jost Winteler a famous professor of Greek and History at Aarau in Switzerland. By the time Einstein fell in love with the daughter of Jost Winteler, her name was Maric.

Einstein has a sister whose name was Maja and later she married Paul who was the son of Jost Wintler. Later Einstein got German Citizenship of the Kingdom of Wurttemburg in January 1896.

Based on a scale of 1-6, he has got a top grade of 6 in both Physics and Maths. The time Einstein studied mathematics and physics teaching program for four years of diploma, his wife Marie shifted to Olsberg for the post of teaching who was a year older than him.
Children And Spouse
Einstein and Maric have given birth to a daughter named Lieseri in 1902 in Serbia in Novi Sad. She hasn’t lived any longer because she was attacked by Scarlet fever and Maric get back to Switzerland without carrying her baby. It was revealed based on the September 1903 letter ensuring that the baby was either given for adoption or died.

Now Einstein and Maric gets married in 1903 and has given birth to a son in May 1904 whose name was Hans Albert Einstein born in Bern, later he was educated as a Swiss American engineer. The couple has given birth to a second son named Eduard in July 1910 in Zurich. After 16 years of marriage life, they got divorced due to some peculiar incidents that happened in their lives.
Second Spouse

Einstein has made a chief romantic relationship with his cousin named Elsa Lowenthal. Lowenthal was his first husband’s name. when comes from the mother’s side she would be his first cousin and from the father’s side, she would be his second cousin. Einstein and Elsa get married in 1919, and they have been in a strong relationship since 1912. After several years of marriage life, Elsa faced some severe heart and kidney issues in 1935, and after leading a life for one year, she died in December 1936.
Third Spouse
Again he fell in love with another woman who was a secretary named Betty Neumann. According to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Einstein has several love affairs with six women named Margarete Lebach who was a blonde from Australia, Estella Katzenellenbogen who was a rich owner of a florist business, Toni Mendel who was a wealthy widow Jewish, Ethel Michanowski who was a Berlin Socialite, and finally, he was deeply in love with Margarita Konenkova who was a Russian Spy, after his second wife’s death.
Son & Maric Health
We have already mentioned Einstein and Marie has given birth to a son named Eduran was attacked with Schizophrenia at the age of about 20, his mother took care of him for several periods after her death, and he was admitted permanently to the Psychiatric University Hospital in Zurich of Burgholgli.

Career & Office
After finishing his graduation in 1900, he almost spends of about two years searching for a teaching post, due to some medical reasons his citizenship was conscripted in February 1901. With the help of his friend’s Father (Einstein’s friend, Marcel Grossmann) who was a classmate and friend of Einstein, Einstein got the post of Assistant Examiner at the Swiss Patent office in Bern.
Here he assessed patent applications for different devices including electromechanical typewriters and gravel sorters. His post was permanent and got complete command of the machine technology including some promotions. His work completely reveals questions about the electrical-mechanical synchronization of time and electric signal transmission. His experiments always get the best results about the nature of the light and distance between the space and time.
In 1902, Einstein founded a group along with his friends named “The Olympia Academy” to discuss always science and Philosophy. He was so much influenced by the works of Henri Poincare, David Hume, and Ernst Mach which led him to work on science and philosophy.
Academic Career
Einstein was recognized as a leading scientist in the year 1908 and was appointed as a full-time lecturer at Bern University. The very next year, he gave an oration on electrodynamics as well as the relativity principle at Zurich University, due to the presence of Alfred Kleiner’s recommendation, Einstein has appointed as a faculty for the professorship in theoretical physics as well as an associate professor in the year 1909.
Charles-Ferdinand University recruited Einstein as a full-time professor in April 1911 in Prague. In the same year, he got Austrian Citizenship as well. When he stayed in Prague, he wrote 11 scientific articles in which five of them on radiation mathematics and the remaining on quantum theory of solids.
Between 1912 and 1914, he was appointed as a professor of theoretical physics in Zurich at ETH University a public research university. Along with his mathematician friend Marcel Grossmann, Einstein studied gravitation problems, the molecular theory of heat, and continuum mechanics. Einstein is entirely against civil wars, most German intellectuals had signed the document that ensures militarism and the position believes Germans during the first world war but Einstein didn’t sign the document and refused its content and signed the Pacifistic.

In the season of 1913, Einstein became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, and the Berlin government allowed him to concentrate on research, two professors forced him to join the Prussian Academy membership named Max Planck and Walther Nernst and later he joined the membership with paid salary for Physics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. There is a reason behind joining the Prussian Academy of Sciences, Elsa is near and staying in Berlin which is the best chance of being live near her and continuing the romantic affair.
In 1916, Einstein was elected as the president of the German Physical Society and has been continued in that position for two years.
Einstein received an invitation from New York City Mayor John Francis Hylan in 1921, the letter ensures to deliver lectures on Quantum theory and other theoretical physics for three weeks. His lectures have been conducted at both Princeton and Columbia Universities. He was honorably welcomed to the White House along with representatives of the National Academy of Sciences.
After he returned to London, he met several famous political, scientific, and intellectual figures while being delivered his lecture at King’s College In London. He published an essay in July 1921 named “My First Impression Of the USA” in that, he described US citizens and their characteristics such as the Americans are optimistic, self-confident, envy less, obedient, and friendly.
Later, he traveled from Asia to Palestina in 1922. He stayed in Singapore for six months during that period, spending his time on lectures and excursions. Thousands of Japanese have got valuable lectures from Einstein and at the Imperial Palace, he met Emperor and Empress.
He hasn’t shown much interest to receive the Nobel Prize at the Stockholm Award Ceremony for Physics in December 1922. In that Award ceremony, a speech was made by a German diplomat about Einstein and praised him a lot with extraordinary words like not only a Scientist but also an activist and peacemaker.
In 1925, he traveled to South America, Einstein hasn’t spent a long time, only a few weeks in Rio de Janeiro, Uruguay, and a month in Argentina. The council of the University of Buenos Aires and Asociacion Hebraic Argentina were financed for Einstein and his wife during the South America Viist where he met several Argentine Scholas such as Jakob Laub, Leopolde Lugone, and Julio Rey Pastor.
Again Einstein traveled to America for the second time in December 1930, For research he stayed two months at the California Institute of Technology. Einstein got a heavy burden with letters and telegrams from the US citizens during the first visit so that is the reason, now he declined all invitations, telegrams, speak publicly, and awards.
Einstein visited several places and attended several events while arriving in New York City. He met New York Times editor and had lunch with him and saw the performance of Carmen at the Metropolitan Opera. He visited Riverside Church where his full-size statue was built at the very entrance of the church. He also joined Hannukah celebrations at Madison Square Garden where he joined a huge crowd of almost 15000 people.
During this visit, he also met film star Charlie Chaplin and Author Upton Sinclair through the head of Universal Studios Carl Laemmle. Charlie Chaplin invited Einstein and Elsa as guests to his him and later Einstein invited Chaplin to his home in Berlin as well.
In 1933, Adolf Hitler was elected as German chancellor for this reason Einstein could not come back to Germany. Einstein found that the new German government abounded professors who were teaching at Universities based on the Enabling Act. Due to this act, thousands of Jews scientists were deliberately forced to give up their positions in the Universities, and their employed names were deleted permanently from the list of institutions.
Due to this violent effect, Einstein lost his home and work, and he decided to leave Germany. After that, he took a house for rent in De Hann to live a few months which is in Belgium. In July 1933 he received an invitation from Oliver Locker Lampson who was the British Member of Parliament Commander to live for six weeks later both became friends in future years.
Later Lampson allowed him to meet the former prime minister Lloyd George and the current prime minister Austen Chamberlain at that time. Einstein put his proposal in front of them to bring the rest of the Jewish Scientists from Germany. A quick response from Churchill, Frederick Lindemann, who was a Physicist and a close friend of Churchill has gone to Germany to find out the Jewish Scientists and to recruit them at the British Universities.
With the help of Turkey’s Prime Minister Ismet Inonu and along with leaders of other nations Einstein brought unemployed Jewish Scientists to give them placements. Locker Lampson submitted a British Citizenship bill to the parliament so that Einstein got to be extended his British Citizenship.
For Advanced Study
Einstein gave a lecture on academic freedom in front of thousands of people at the Royal Albert Hall on 3 October 1933 in London. On 8 October 1933, he took a position at the US Institute for Advanced Study. scientists were fleeing Nazis Germany, by that time. Most American Universities didn’t have minimal Jewish faculty or students including Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.
Still, he hadn’t clarity on his future but continuously got offers from various Universities such as Oxford, Christ Church, and more. Those Universities offered a five years fellowship for research, and eventually, he comes to a decision that remains him to study his advanced study in the United States to apply for Citizenship as well. His advanced study affiliation has been continued last until he died in 1955. He was the first one to be selected among four other scientists at the new Institute including John Von Neumann, Hermann Wey, and Kurt Godel.
Personal Views
Political Attraction
Einstein was the founding member among others of the German Democratic Party which was a liberal party as well. His main aspect of founding the Liberal Party is for socialism, and against Capitalism. He is frustrated with the regime of terror and which hasn’t consisted well-regulated system of government. He has completely shown a bad opinion of Vladimir Lenin due to his way of regime the nation in 1929 and criticizing their procedures also questioning them simultaneously.
Later Einstein was impressed by Gandhi deeply and believed he is a role model for future generations. Wilfred Israel allows Einstein to meet V.N Sundaram through this initial connection was established to meet Gandhi on 27 September 1931. V.N Sundaram was Gandhi’s hearer and a special messenger as well.
Planned For University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem was established by Einstein and others and was a main leader. Chaim Weizmann the president of the World Zionist Organization asked Einstein to help lift the funds for the planned University that was Hebrew University and Institute of Agriculture. He suggested several views for the creation of institutions including the Agricultural Institute, Institute of Microbiology, and Chemical Institute. By that time, Malaria was the major epidemic ruling the entire world. He also supported the establishment of Oriental study Institutions which include language courses such as Arabic and Hebrew.
Philosophical and Religious Views
Einstein explained his spiritual opinion mostly in writing and Interviews as well. He doesn’t believe in god personally, but always believes in actions and fates himself and also suggests others do the same. He always said that I am not an Atheist, Agnostic, or nonbeliever. Einstein was beloved by the UK and the US very much because people who are living in these two nations belonged to non-religious as well as Ethical cultures.
Einstein stated and observed that there is no salvation for human beings without ethical culture. Hermann Huth was the Vice President of the German Vegetarian Federation who revealed Einstein was very much sympathetic to vegetarianism for a long time in his life in a letter written by Einstein in 1930, he said.
Attracted Towards Music
Einstein was attracted to music at an early age, his mother was a pianist and she wanted Einstein to learn Piano. Einstein at the age of 5 started to learn Piano from Leon Botstein who was a Swiss-American Conductor by that time Einstein didn’t enjoy the music as he expected. When he arrived at the age of 13, discovered Violin Sonatas and was attracted to studying music more willingly.
Einstein didn’t follow any systematic procedure to play Violin but he taught himself and believes if you love anything you will learn it very easily and that will admires you as well. When he was studying in Aaru at the age of 17,

the music examiner praised his skills and way of playing violin and he wrote to Bostein that Einstein has shown his love for music deeply and described a new meaning for music by this student, he said.

Research Career
In Einstein’s entire career, he published more than 150 non-scientific articles and 300 scientific papers and these papers comprised 30,000 unique documents as well. He contributed his ideas to other projects including Einstein Refrigerator, Bose-Einstein Statistics, and more.
1905 Annus Mirabilis Papers
Annus Mirabilis Papers described four articles related to the Photoelectrical Effect including Browning motion, Quantum Mechanics or theory, E=Mc2, and the Special Theory of Relativity. All these four articles were published by Einstien Annalen der Physik scientific journal in 1905. These are the foundation of Modern Physics and the alternation of time, space, and matter.
Some other scientific research of Einstein includes the Einstein Field Equation, Bose-Einstein Condensate, Gravitational Wave, Cosmological Constant, Unified Field Theory, EPR Paradox, Ensemble Interpretation, a List of Other Concepts, and more.
Alberto Einstein got several awards for his work experience and scientific research on Quantum theory, General relativity, Special Relativity, Photoelectric Effect, Energy equivalence, and more. Let’s talk about his awards
- Bernard Medal for Meritorious Service for Science in 1920.
- Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
- Matteucci Medal for Physics in 1921 by Italian Royal.
- ForMemRS (Fellowship of the royal society) in 1921.
- Copley Medal for outstanding achievements in any field of Science in 1925.
- Gold Medal Of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1926.
- Max Planck Medal by the German Physical Society in 1929.
- Member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1942.
- Time Person Of The Century for the most important people of the century in 1999.
Einstein died on April 17, 1955, deceased from internal bleeding caused by a rupture of the abdominal aortic aneurysm. Rudolph Nissen was a German Surgeon who had already been strengthened surgically in 1948 to Einstein. During the television appearance about Israel’s anniversary by the time he was preparing to deliver his speech and suddenly he was taken to the hospital. Eventually, he did not complete the anniversary ceremony due to his live absence.
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