SWARAGINI – Laksh |swara|ragini planed to trap kaviya ! – Colors

SWARAGINI serial of colors is having many twists and turn . In previous episodes we have seen that kaviya makes plan of her fake death and traps laksh in her plan and sends laksh to jail in case of murder of kaviya . Police arrested laksh Maheshvari in crime of killing kaviya maheshvari .
The master mind sisters Swara aka Helly shah and Ragini aka Tejaswi Prakash Wayangankar makes a plan with the help of laksh aka Namesha Taneja to trap kaviya in her plan . They made plan same as kaviya in which she do acting of her fake death and tried to trap laksh maheshvari in her plan and in which she was successful . They pre-planed the fake death of Laksh maheshvari as kaviya who is daughter of malhotra’s family . Malhotra’s are business partner of laksh’s family . kaviya whose actual name in the serial is Taniya and came in laksh’s family to take revenge from lakash’s family and from laksh maheshvari .
laksh was doing acting of his death and in death ceremony kaviya also come but with her face covered so that no one can see her .Police arrested all the men of mahesvari family for killing laksh. But at same time swara sees red bangles and she came to know that it is kaviya and their plan is successful and swara exposes her and then kaviya says that “after killing laksh maheshvari my revenge is completed and now i can go anywhere” . By hearing all this laksh stand up and slapped kaviya for all that she have done and then swara slaps kaviya for what she have done and police arrested kaviya . But very smartly kaviya escaped from their as she snatched the gun from one of the police constable and puts the gun on head of laksh’s mom and kaviya takes laksh’s mom along with her .
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Must Read :-https://tvinterest.com/naagin-conflict-battle-two-sisters-shivinaya-shesha-colors/
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